Tuesday, September 3, 2013

wǒ chī bǎole - i'm full

On Sunday we had church at 10 am. We crammed 25 people into a tiny living room. In China we have to Skype into a branch and listen to their meetings. It was a very neat experience. Experiences like these make my testimony grow for the gospel. As I was sitting in our tiny living sweating during sacrament meeting I felt the spirit so strongly. It's amazing that even in a country where religion is less tolerated by the government, that people still gather for church. I am grateful we have a group of men close enough to us to administrator the sacrament to us each week. I was talking to the girls that have been here for a month and they said they haven't been able to take the sacrament because there weren't any guys here. This Sunday it was testimony meeting so we were fortunate to hear from people from all over the world. I enjoyed the Stake President's testimony about repentance. He explained that it is a hard process because of Satan's temptations, but yet it is so easy if we just reach out to Christ for help.

After church we ate lunch at the Kiayan school and then we headed back to our apartment for a training meeting. At our training meeting I was assigned the "Junior A" class - they are  3 - 4 years old. I then planned my lesson of the 3 Little Pigs for my drama lesson.

Afterwards me and the girls in my group went out to get pizza. We were craving the pizza we had had from the night before... As we sat down we noticed a white man in the resturant.  In China when you see a white person there is an automatic connection. As a result my head teacher walked up to him and invited him to dinner. He accepted the invite and joined our table full of girls. Come to find out he is from Switzerland and was in China because he doing an internship for some business. It was entertaining as Anna talked to him...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. keep them coming. with pictures!!Take lots of pictures!! Love and miss you.
