Sunday, September 8, 2013

nǐ hǎo ma - how are you?

I really love Sunday's here. Some might think that we don't gain much from church while we are in China because we only have sacrament meeting over Skype. However, I believe I have gained a lot more from church while being here. I feel the spirit so strongly. I feel as if living in China is kind of like living in a spiritual "fog" that you must penetrate personally. I am thankful I am able to still attend church here. My first counselor here sent out an e-mail on Saturday night and I really liked this comment he made, "Let us fill in the spiritual gaps in the environment here with more fervent prayer, scripture study, service, and attention to the living prophets and apostles." It is my responsibility to fill in those spiritual gaps.

After church I still wasn't feeling great so I hung out with Anna while some of the girls took naps. Later we went to Kaiyin for dinner and then walked around the track and played on playground with the Kayin group. After we had the Kaiyin group over for snacks and games!

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