Thursday, September 5, 2013

buyao - no thank you

On Wednesday we had another day of school... some of the kids still cry when they come to class, but they are warming up to me. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but my favorite right now is this little boy named Bosco. He will grab my hand when he walks in line with the class and waves to me when I walk past my classroom. And when I change him he likes to grab my head and hold it against his forehead. I'll have to get a picture with him. Also during class today one of my girls, Nicole, banged her head on something. I don't know what happened because I was not in the room at the time, but when I got back in the classroom the Chinese teacher made me hold ice on her head. While I was tending to this little girl Bosco went on a long tangent in Chinese about Nicole's head. I know he was talking about her head because he kept pointing to it. It was so cute watching him try to explain to me what happened to Nicole in Chinese.

After school some of the girls from my school got together and did insanity with Shuan T. It's even harder doing insanity here, because there isn't AC in the living room! It's a good thing we worked out though, because we eat so many carbs here. We have rice and noodles for every meal, but we don't get full so we like to eat bread with peanut butter for a snack....I'm definitely lacking on protein here. After we worked out we ate dinner at Kiayan and then played soccer with the ILP group from Kiayan. It was SO much because the grass was super damp so we were sliding every where. I completely with collided with this dude and now I have nasty bruise on my knee. After we were done the Kiayan boys offered to take us home on their newly purchased scooters. (here in china you don't have to have a license to drive an electric scooter) So I braved getting on a scooter on the crazy Chinese roads. No worries, I survived! :)

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