Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wǒ xiǎng nǐ - i miss you

Alright I am way behind on my blog, but that is because I have been in YangShou the past few days and didn't have access to my blog. I will re-start my blog from last Wednesday.

Last Wednesday I was told by my head teacher that I would be changing classes. Apparently ILP has a rule that every teacher should only be teaching 8 kids. Since me and a few of the other girls have more than 8 kids, ILP had to hire 2 more teachers. These teachers are not ILP teachers, so they get paid, don't teach the kids through the ILP method and are allowed to teach more kids at a time. The two hired teachers are from London. On Tuesday and Wednesday one of the teachers watched me teach all day because he would be taking over my class. Wednesday was my last day with my Junior A class and my Chinese teachers were super upset. They kept grabbing my arm telling me not to go. I kept telling them I didn't want to leave their classroom either and I told them to convenience my head teacher to let me stay!

After school on Wednesday we headed back to our apartments and packed for our vacation. We met up with the Kiayin group and headed to the bus stop together. We all made it to the fruit market on one bus, but we had to separate onto different buses when we got to the fruit market. Everyone made it to the bus stop expect one group. We had no clue what to do because we couldn't get a hold of them and they only had 15 minutes to get to the bus before it left. It was scary because one of the girls that had gotten lost had all our tickets for us girls. Thankfully, they made it the bus stop with 30 seconds to spare.

Once they arrived we all crammed on the sleeper bus. This was our first experience on a sleeper bus. The bus ride was 12 hours from Zhongshan to YangShou.  I wasn't able to get a picture, but the inside of the bus had two levels of beds. The beds are very skinny and are a little shorter than me. I ended up getting the bed in the very back corner. It was actually a lot better than I expected, but during the middle of the night the ride got extremely bumpy. So bumpy that I caught air as I was laying in bed. I thought I was going to throw up but fortunately I kept it together and didn't throw up. While I was a little sick I looked out the window to the BEAUTIFUL landscape. I can't get over how pretty it is here...that's saying a lot since I have lived in Canada.

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