Wednesday, September 25, 2013

ke min - Camille (my Chinese name means smart)

On Friday me, Trent, Carmen, McKena and the camera a crew decided to go to the rice fields. We were the only ones that wanted to go because the others didn't want to go on a three hour bus ride to get to Guilin. We had a bus pick us up at 7:30 in the morning and we drove for three hours until we got to Guilin. Once we got there we decided to pay extra to visit the Long Hair village. At the long hair village there are a bunch of women with hair as long as 2 meters. They did a few dances and acted out one of their bridal ceremonies. Afterwards, they showed us one of their homes. It was a cool cultural experience, but we were a little rushed during the whole thing. We immediately got on a different bus that took us to the rice fields. Once we got to the rice fields we started hiking up to the top with our tour guide, but a long the way I got distracted... I saw some cute bracelets that I wanted. Trent stayed behind with me to look at them too. It took a while to buy the bracelets because I had to barter with the lady. Once I finally purchased the bracelets Trent and I had completely lost the group. We wondered around for a while looking for them, but we had no luck. We didn't know what time we had to be back at the bus so we decided to just hike to the top of the mountain by our self. It was very pretty when we made it to the top... of course! However, once we made it to the top we were scared we were going to get left so we hurried down. As we were headed down we found part of our group and they didn't even know we had been left behind. Trent and I felt really loved...not. Since we headed down early we stopped to get some lunch. After lunch we had another three hour bus ride back to YangShou. Once we got back to YangShou it was around 7:45 so we met up with others for dinner. It was awesome because we found this place that sold hamburgers! I got a hamburger because I can't remember the last time I ate protein. It wasn't very tasty but I felt like I had a lot more energy after eating that much protein!

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