Tuesday, September 10, 2013

dui bu qi - i'm very sorry

Monday was a good day! School was good...no exciting stories. After school we had our first Chinese class. Daisy, one of our coordinators taught the class for about 40 minutes. She told us briefly about the Chinese language, went through how to pronounce certain letters, and taught us some words.

After school all the girls at my school decided we would go to a Chinese spa. We walked up to this huge building with a Ferrari parked out front. We attempted to explain to the people at the front desk that we wanted to go to the bathhouse and get massages. It was a disaster... not one of them could say any English. After 15 minutes of no success, we put our technology to use and used Google translate for our entire conversation. It was pretty funny, we passed our phones back and forth with the Chinese to communicate. After we got everything situated, we got escorted back to the women's spa area. The fun part about living in China is we are millionaires here! The spa was so legit. We got our own lockers with our own flip flops. After we changed we took showers, which included nice shampoo and body wash and face wash! And the showers were so clean (unlike our apartments) Then we swam in this huge hot tub with fancy seats and bubbles. They also had a counter full of fresh fruit and drinks. We lounged around eating the food, swimming and sitting in the sauna rooms. After we all decided on a different service to get. Majority of the girls, me included, decided to get a head massage. A few of the girls did cupping...it was terrifying to watch. They had the girls lay down and then they lit a cup on fire and placed it all over their backs. It looks like the girls have 16 massive hickies on their backs.  Thankfully, I decided against getting the cupping. For my head massage they took us to the top floor of this building and took us to this huge room full of comfortable recliner chairs with TV's. In the middle of this room they had a long bar of more fresh fruit. If there was any fruit we saw that hadn't been cut, we just handed it to the workers on the other side of the counter and they would cut it for us. The massage felt awesome of course. The lady massaged my face, head, and shoulders for a whole 45 minutes! Afterwards we lied around in our recliner chairs for a couple of hours. After we got sick of the fruit and wanted a real dinner we showered again and left the spa. I should mentioned I spent an evening at this spa and got a head massage for less than 50 US dollars! Wassup! After we went and got pizza.... and then we went swimming at the Kaiyin pool.

 This is my school I teach at! It's such a nice school to teach at! It is one of the few schools in China that teaches English all morning.

 Anna and I getting pumped to go to the spa

 Inside the Royal Spa

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