Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sunday we headed back to Shenzhen for a Branch Conference! We left at 8:00 am and during the whole bus ride I had water dripping on me because there was a leak right above my head. Once we arrived at the church building the main sacrament room was full so we had to sit upstairs and watch it on the TV. We were a little upset we drove for two hours to watch church on a TV though. The main theme of conference was Obedience leads to happiness and blessings.  After conference we split up and us girls went to Relief Society. It has been so long since I've been to Relief Society... I'm going to have to get back into the the normal schedule of 3 hour church when I get back to the States. During class though we sang Away In A Manger for a practice hymn. It was during then that I realized that I really miss the Christmas spirit that China lacks. I'm going to go back to the USA on the 19th of December and will only get to experience a few days of it. I don't know how the Chinese people survive without the Christmas spirit. I feel like it's such a joyful time of the year for everyone to get rejuvenated for the following year. After Relief Society class was over we took the annual Branch Conference picture. Then we were feed very delicious Hawaiian haystacks and a pumpkin crisp with ice cream. After dinner we had a young single adult fireside with the branch president. The fireside was my favorite part. We were able to ask the president questions and he would answer them and then show us a Mormon video that correlated to our questions. He talked about qualities to look for in our future spouses, the increasing problem pornography is nowadays, and enduring to the end. Afterwards we headed back to Zhongshan!

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